From daycare through adulthood, people benefit from spending time outside. Through activity and exploration, this time can also broaden their horizons and lead to greater potential and enthusiasm about the world they live in.
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Thursday, February 18, 2021
How To Create Practical Art Appreciation Activities
Today’s preschool children are being introduced to art created by the masters. Research has shown that showing famous pieces of art to children and allowing them to give their impressions, and to listen to the impressions of others opens the gateway to art appreciation at an early age.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
How To Teach Art Appreciation Activities
As preschool kids get older, art appreciation will focus more and more on history and the biographies of influential artists, but early art appreciation is a much more basic process that includes doing as much or more than remembering.
Monday, February 1, 2021
Pillow Care: How to Wash Your Down Pillows
Think of the most frequently used items in your home. Are pillows at the top of your list? Now think of the dirtiest items in your home. Pillows probably don’t make the list, but their heavy use makes them magnets for dirt and bacteria—especially if they’ve never been washed.
You might wash your pillowcases weekly or every few days, but bacteria and allergens can penetrate deep into your actual pillows and irritate skin, cause sinus congestion, and break down pillow fill. To protect yourself and extend your pillows’ life, your pillows should be cleaned every six months. If your pillows haven’t been cleaned for years, residential laundry services can do a deep clean.