Written language is extremely important throughout life and has
enabled the preservation of historical information as well as personal letters
and stories. Handwriting involves an expression of thoughts combined with the
manual dexterity of hands forming the letters. Enforcing these concepts as
early as preschool can create a good foundation for your child.
A child learns how to express thoughts using graphic symbols. That
is where the Sandpaper Letters and the Moveable Alphabet come in. In a Montessori setting, a child is introduced to the sounds of the
letters of the alphabet before learning the actual names of the letters.
Sandpaper Letters
The Sandpaper Letters are letters of the alphabet cut out of very
fine sandpaper and then placed on boards or cards. The child uses their finger
to trace the letters. The sandpaper helps them feel the letter as they are
forming it. At the same time they learn the sounds and learn how to use the
letters in words.
Moveable Alphabet
Like the sandpaper letters, the Moveable Alphabet normally
consists of vowels in blue and consonants in pink or red. However, these
letters are cut out of cardboard or plastic and stored in a portable box. First
the child learns the sound of each letter as he or she lays them out and then
is taught to put the letters into meaningful words. That gradually progresses
from single words to phrases, actual sentences and eventually into short
stories, which is the beginning of creative writing.
The child learns how to correctly hold a pencil, make different
strokes with pencil pressure, and make the hand ready for handwriting. The
movement of making the letters is fascinating to the child, and learning to
handwrite is a Montessori allows children to experience intellectual and creative
growth and be able to learn and work at their own speed and capabilities in an
atmosphere that is non-competitive.
The teachers are specially trained to offer lessons and activities
according to the readiness of each child, and the teaching materials are unique
as the child learns to be self-motivating.
Come experience what Montessori has to offer by taking a tour with
us today. At our preschool and kindergarten in Pleasanton you will fine the
Sandpaper Letters, the Moveable Alphabet and many other Montessori-specific
teaching tools to help your child learn and thrive.