While private kindergartens offering large fall festivals may be on hold this year, you can still enjoy the semblance of normality with small festival-like groups. Planning festival activities will take a little work, but for small groups such as what is currently allowed it is easier than you might think. How many kids, what will they do, offer refreshments, and clean up when the day is done. Beyond that, you should be able to wing it.
Number of Children
Most localities currently prohibit private gatherings in large groups, sometimes as few as 10. Find out what the regulations are in your community, and plan to stay below that, even if it means only four or five children and their guardians. Keeping a small group engaged is an easier prospect anyway, requiring less supervision of children bored by inactivity or waiting.Simple Games
For group entertainment, cooperative games keep everyone involved. Scavenger hunts are great for social distancing, along with silly obstacle courses and non-contact games like hot potato. The key is to get all of the kids involved and rely more on having fun than a strict tally of winners and non-winners.Treats For All
Refreshments are a must-have for any group of kids. It is okay to have some sweets involved, but serve them early for burning energy and rely on healthier snacks like fruit or celery sticks to snack as the event progresses. Be sure to check with other parents to make sure you won’t be serving the wrong items to children with allergies or aversions.The Clean-Up Game
Plan on the day coming to an end, and a grand finale of everyone chipping in to get the area cleaned up and organized. When the whole group is chipping in, tidying up is more like another game than a chore, making the work go faster and easier. You will still have some work to do later, but a cooperative effort beforehand will be a big time saver when you do.Whether in school or at an authentic Montessori private kindergarten, small groups of a few children can still enjoy seasonal fun. Focus on social distancing and hand washing, along with treats and activities that minimize direct contact with others.