Saturday, July 18, 2020

Why Teaching Your Kindergartner Good Manners Is Important

Why Teaching Your Kindergartner Good Manners Is Important - private kindergarten - Montessori Fremont

Fostering good manners is a huge part of private kindergarten development. Knowing when and how to respond to different instructions or impulses gives your child an advantage that will stay with him for the rest of his life.

Please Ma’am and Thank You

Learning the basics of good manners makes life more rewarding for a private kindergarten child. Polite children receive more positive attention, find themselves welcome in a broader range of activities, and relieve some of the stress from the classroom experience.

Gratitude Gains Favor

More than simply learning to say “thank you,” gratitude is a philosophy for daily life. Learning to be grateful for all that we have is a daunting lesson for us all. For children, the act of simple gratitude demonstrates respect for others. Learning why gratitude is important instills a basic understanding of empathy in him as well, and that is a trait that will take him far in life.

Exploring Empathy

The ability to foresee how his actions will affect those around him comes from a sense of empathy. This gives your son a method to gauge how others feel based on how he would feel in the same situation. And that understanding is the cornerstone of developing good manners and a pleasant demeanor.

Critical Social Skills

Young children are not born with an understanding of politeness or respect. Through practice and observation, he will develop these two skills, allowing him to build a framework for interacting with other people that will affect his interactions throughout his life. It takes a while to turn these lessons into habits, but the rewards are well worth the time and practice involved.

Good manners are not a matter of “Because I said so,” they are a critical stepping stone to social interaction, personal development, and a positive frame of mind. Practicing the art of etiquette should be a consistent part of the home environment, including things like setting the table, cleaning up his own mess, and doing as he is instructed.

Author: verified_user