When we talk about cultural diversity in the Montessori preschool environment, the goal is to teach about inclusion and acceptance. Preschoolers who learn about the fun and exciting parts of other cultures are more inclined to be accepting of people who come from those places. To that end, the suggestions provided here are intended to avoid racial implications while opening the world up to the imagination of young minds.
The Clothes We Wear
From sombreros to fedoras, the hats people wear have origins from around the world. Teaching Montessori preschool children about hats and other traditional attire not only gives them a point of cultural reference, but it also helps them discover their own inherited ties to places they may never visit in person.The Songs We Sing
Singing children’s songs is popular in the Montessori preschool. Learning the origins-- and native words-- to nursery songs is also another way for kids to learn about cultural diversity. Most of us know the English and French words to “Brother John,” but there are many other popular songs to investigate, including most of the collected rhymes of Mother Goose.The Foods We Eat
The American diet is a smorgasbord of international cuisine. Learning about the origins of the food they eat gives young children a personal connection to cultures globally. For example, spaghetti, corn, and potatoes all have origins in other nations, as well as foods like pastries, bagels, and pork.The Things We Do
Traditional and ceremonial dance styles of other cultures provide an entertaining way to learn about people all over the globe. Kids are also interested in customs practiced in other parts of the world, including recreational activities, architecture, personal fashion, and more.The Flags We Fly
Drawing and learning about national flags helps children explore other nations and the cultures associated with them. A great class project is to represent every nationality in the class with flags and other cultural accouterments of every student. Keep in mind that most flag components have specific meanings, giving insight into how and why the nation exists.Learning about cultural diversity in the Montessori preschool is also an opportunity for each child to have a moment in the sun. Taking turns sharing information about their own cultural origins opens a channel of communication that blur the distinctions of color, race, and creed.