Your Montessori preschool follows the Montessori planes of development to provide the best opportunities for young minds. The planes of development are divided into 4 distinct age groups, each group centered around a period of increasing absorption followed by a “cool down” period when the information is processed internally. These age groups, in turn, split into the mixed-age classrooms that Montessori education is known for.
The Absorbent Mind
From birth to around age 6, Montessori preschool children are discovering an entire world of new things. The first 3 years are spent absorbing new concepts and experimenting with how they work, while the second 3-year period applies those early concepts to personal and academic purposes. This is the time when children should be encouraged to learn about new things, try new flavors, or attempt new feats.The Moral Mind
During a child’s second plane of development, social interaction becomes an important aspect of the world. This includes learning about empathy and thinking beyond one’s personal wants, as well as exploring concepts like problem-solving and diplomacy. Corresponding to the years of traditional primary schools, this period builds on the concepts learned during the first plane of development while a majority of actual development takes place in the form of physical and mental growth.The Independent Mind
Beginning at around age 12, the third plane of development is when the young mind becomes an independent entity. Critical thinking skills, personal responsibility, and community involvement characteristics are introduced during the first half of the plane and then honed and improved upon during the 15-to-18 year period.The Mature Mind
Between the ages of 18 and 21, young adults develop personal philosophies, social obligations, and moral characteristics they will carry throughout the rest of their lives. These traits are established during the first 3-year period of the plane, and then figuratively cemented into place during the second. By the age of 24, most people have developed their lifelong habits and routines without even realizing it has happened.These planes of development can be witnessed in children as they grow, often in the form of periods of inquisitiveness followed by the experimentation and application of practice and repetition. Providing the appropriately timed encouragement will have profound impacts on your little one’s development.