We have chosen 3 science activities below to give an idea of the best activities for small kids. Each one investigates different scientific principles through hands-on, play-based activities.
Finger Friction
This science activity is ideal for preschool children who are beginning to explore the amazing facets of science. You will need a few materials with varying degrees of smooth and rough surfaces such as sandpaper, plastic, etc. Children can explore how friction works by rubbing their fingers across the surfaces and noticing how some surfaces are easier to move across than others. This activity can be expanded by adding a few drops of oil or soapy water to show how some substances are able to reduce friction.Kitchen Chemistry
Vinegar and baking soda are like science magic for preschool kids. Fill each bottle about ¼ full of vinegar. Inflate a balloon a few times to make it easier to inflate. Add a teaspoon of fresh baking soda to each bottle, quickly placing the open end of a balloon over the top of the bottle afterward. As the vinegar reacts to the baking soda it will produce carbon dioxide that causes the balloon to inflate.Coloring Carnations
For this activity, you will need a few small cups, a variety of food coloring dyes, water, and a cut carnation for each cup. Help children fill the cups about ¾ full of water, then add a few drops of food coloring to each cup. Finally, cut the stems of the carnation so that they are just long enough for the flower to protrude above the cup and place one flower in each cup. The flowers will absorb the colored water, circulating it through the petals and causing them to change color.
Simple science activities are abundant. From moving toy cars with magnets to tapping the electrical energy of lemons or potatoes, there are a lot of fun things to learn. By introducing children to basic science concepts at an early age, you set the stage for them to explore more advanced concepts as they get older.