Not all preschool teachers are the same, and there are some key traits parents can look for in an authentic Montessori classroom. With the exception of group activities, teachers encourage children to go about their own business, choosing activities and moving about seemingly at will. This type of education would quickly turn into chaos, except for the training and personal qualities that define a great Montessori preschool teacher.
1. Montessori Training
In addition to a minimum of 4 years of formal education, Montessori preschool teachers also undergo specific Montessori training. This additional training is important because the role of a Montessori teacher is different than traditional public school teachers. Montessori has an edge over public schools, and the teachers are one of the things that make the difference.
2. Positive Role Model
Montessori teachers demonstrate the kind of behavior they want to instill in children. Great Montessori teachers don't get excited or influenced by manipulative behavior, calmly talk out problems with their students, and portray themselves as considerate, caring role models the children can rely on.
3. Montessori Teachers are Observers
Montessori doesn't use grades to describe how children are performing in class. Instead, the teachers carefully observe children individually, guiding them to new projects and goals based on how they are doing with their current objectives. For those children who display unwanted behavior, observation examines how the situation arose and helps children develop the social skills necessary to avoid future problems of the same sort.
4. Communicates With Children
Montessori teachers do not dictate to children, they communicate with them. From discussing the results of a child's latest artwork to helping another discover why the sky is blue, Montessori teachers are referred to as guides because they observe and communicate what they have seen, guiding children to new subjects, ways to overcome new obstacles, and explaining the intricacies of academic endeavors.
5. Guidance Over Demands
People, including children, have a tendency to resist being demanded to do something. Such demands typically involve rewards and punishments, and that runs contrary to the Montessori Method. Instead, internal motivation is encouraged, guiding children to do the right thing or make the right choice voluntarily, and to approach learning new information enthusiastically. This is a critical difference because they manage the classroom without the threat of punishment or ridicule.
Montessori teachers are a breed apart. Without prejudice or command, they maintain an orderly, engaged classroom where children are busily but quietly going about a host of different tasks, each chosen to some degree by the child herself. Once you have witnessed a Montessori classroom and the peaceful assurance of the teacher you will understand how these qualities provide a better form of teaching.