There are a lot of reasons why having a Montessori kindergarten nearby is great for parents, but the same can be said of children as well. Just as investing in local education boosts community standards, attending a neighborhood school helps children feel more like a part of the area they live in. These quick examples should be enough to show you how important sending your children to a nearby school can be.
Physical Activity
Children who live close to their kindergarten are more likely to attend school by walking or riding a bike, while children who live farther away from the school generally ride a bus or get transported by a family member. One positive aspect of this difference is that children who walk or ride a bike tend to be in better physical shape and less prone to issues related to inactivity such as obesity.
Children who live close to their kindergarten are more likely to attend school by walking or riding a bike, while children who live farther away from the school generally ride a bus or get transported by a family member. One positive aspect of this difference is that children who walk or ride a bike tend to be in better physical shape and less prone to issues related to inactivity such as obesity.
Attending school nearby means that most of the students they interact with will live in the same community. This promotes awareness of community, helps children visualize geographic concepts, and helps children integrate socially by building stronger ties with their peers.
Children who are able to get to and from school in a speedy manner end up with more time-- and less morning rush. This can facilitate life in many ways, from getting more done to feeling less tired at the end of the day. Similarly, living close to school often means the kids are able to get more rest, and that aspect alone can have a huge positive impact on how well children learn.
Peace of Mind
Knowing that your children are never far from a neighbor, relative, or friend will give you more peace of mind, knowing that they are never far from a safe haven. It can also make it easier to get children to school on time, which can make your own morning commute easier. And finally, you are assured that your education dollars are paying to make your community stronger, and that helps improve property values and make for a cleaner, safer, and stronger area to live.
The more time a child is able to devote to learning instead of traveling to a learning center, the more they will be invested in the process. Long commutes to school promote boredom and restlessness even before they arrive at school, and that means they already have educational impediments before the morning bell rings.