The Foundation of Montessori Elementary Education is made up of Five Great Lessons. The Five Great Lessons help children develop an awareness that everything in the universe is both connected and interdependent; jointly creating a harmonious entity of which they are a part. The Five Great Lessons explore the connections and the role we as humans play and contribute to the whole picture.
Lesson One - Coming
of the Universe and the Earth
The First Great Lesson covers
many mainstream subjects including Astronomy, Meteorology, Chemistry, Physics,
Geology, and Geography. These lessons tell the story of the beginning of the
universe, how the world was created, and how solid matter and water interact.
Lesson Two - Coming
of Life
The Second Great Lesson
incorporates Biology, Botany, Eco-systems, History, Animal Kingdoms, and
Species Classifications. These lessons include a timeline of the universe and
the earth including the development of microorganisms, plants, and animal life.
Lesson Three - Coming
of Human Beings
The Third Great Lesson covers
subjects ranging from Biology, History, and Culture to Social Studies, Science,
and Religion. These lessons explain the beginning of civilization and how the
developed mind of humans allowed them to adapt and utilize their surroundings.
Lesson Four - Communication
in Signs
The Fourth Great Lesson
introduces Reading, Writing, Language, Literature, and sentence structure.
These lessons explore the creation and development of the written word from
ancient alphabets and pictographs to the introduction of printing presses and
modern day communication techniques.
Lesson Five - The
Story of Numbers
The Fifth Great Lesson delves
into Mathematics, Numbers, Geometry, Measurement, Graphs, and Statistics. These
lessons look at the numerical systems of the earliest civilizations. They
follow the advancement of mathematics and the roll it played in the development
of every culture on earth. Discussing the Five Great Lessons in practical terms along with everyday meaningful examples allows young minds to easily understand these concepts.
Contact the Montessori Childrens House today to take a tour and see first hand how the Foundational Lessons of the Montessori System can open up a new way of thinking and learning for your child.